Monday, September 13, 2021

Stan walker

 I have being researching about Stan walker for Maori language week. you can find out his real name, what he's mostly know fro and more. in this slid.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Tongan research project

I have being work on my research about Tonga yesterday, and i desided to blog it today. i learned a lot about Tonga yesterday, i know what the man and women dance is called, i know who the king of Tonga is. and i know more. if you want to learn some things about Tonga you should read my slide. 

If you learned something please comment and tell me what you learned? 
and if you have more information about Tonga please comment blow? Thanks   

Monday, September 6, 2021

how to introduce yourself in Tonga

 Today in our online class we have being learn some new Tongan words. and i recorded my self saying hello my name is in Tonga. 

if you don't know how to say hello my name is in Tonga, you should watch this video.  

cleaning my room

In our online class we had a compilation to cook, dance and clean, and i choose to clean so this is me vacuuming my room.