Friday, November 27, 2020
Monday, November 23, 2020
information report
About their weight and what they eat?
Elephants are known as the biggest land animal and known by their weight. Baby elephants are called calf and can weigh up to 91kg. African elephants are the biggest one in the world. The african bush male elephant can weigh up to 6,000 and the female can weigh 3,000 that means half of the male.elephant eat 300 kilogram of food everyday.most of the elephants eat grass,wild fruit,twing,shrubs,bamboo and bananas.
How long can they survive?
Elephants can survive up to 70 years. And they can survive only four days without drinking any water.
How tall can elephants grow?
The african bush elephants can grow 3.2m
And the asian elephants can grow 2.8m
How long do they sleep?
Elephants sleep two hours and they wake up in the middle of the night. Koalas are the animals that sleep mostly; they sleep up to 20-22 hours. That means almost a day. Elephants sleep lying and sometimes standing. Ducks sleep with their eyes open.
Asian elephants?
Asian elephant known is the asiatic elephant. Asian elephants can survive up to 48 years. And they can weigh up to 4,000kg
What does the elephant look like?
Elephants are the largest animal on earth. They have long noses and they can spray the water with their nose. They have two large ears on the side and two eyes just like humans.
What are the things they can do/don’t?
Elephants can swim like us and they can run too but they can’t jump. Any animal can’t kill an elephant. The only animal that can kill elephants is lione.
Where do you find them?
Mostly you find elephants in a country called Sub-saharan it’s in Africa,and there are more in Asia is will.
Evaluating media
Monday, November 16, 2020
No time for shoes
No time for shoes
Once upon time three were two sisters named Elizabeth and sofia. Sofia is the oldest one and Elizabeth is the youngest one. The two sisters walked to school together and the kids were looking at them because Elizabeth and Sofia didn’t have any shoes. They were walking to class without shoes. When they got to class. The teacher told everyone to take their math book out. Then the sisters walked to get their math book then one kid walked to them and asked them why they don’t have shoes. Elizabeth and Sofia didn’t have shoes because they don’t have money to buy shoes and their family is lost. But they didn’t tell anyone. Elizabith was holding her math book and one kid just came and threw her book outside the window. Then Elizabeth got her sisters and ran outside. They were crying and crying
then they started to walk. They started to look for their family everywhere they have lost their parents for over two years and they haven't found them yet. Elizabeth and Sofia walked to a big forest that is dark to look for their family.
And then they heard something. What sad Sofia then heard another noice. They looked back and saw a tiger. The tiger was walking slow to them and then he started to run fast. And then the sisters ran as fast as they could without shoes. Then something hit Sofia’s leg and she fell down. Elizabeth was trying to help but she couldn't. The tiger was next to them walking slow. Then someone came and said not so fast. It was their mum and dad. He was throwing rocks and sticks to the tiger. Then the tiger ran away. Elizabeth and Sofia hugged their mum and dad. Then Sofia asked them where they were for the whole year.
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
This Saturday 14 November it's Diwali. so this is the work i did for Diwali. if you don't now what Diwali is it's Indian festive of light. the story of ram and sita's returning to home from a forest for 14 years.
if you know something about Diwali that i don't have it on my blog please comment me so i can write it on my blog?
Friday, November 6, 2020
what is media
Friday, October 23, 2020
voice over john pule
This is the voice over i did about john pule he's the art's of niue who came to new zeland when he was 2 years old.
watch the video into the end and tall me what i should do next time? and if you know more then me about john pule tall me so i can learn more about him?
Quality Blog Post
This is what you should do on your blog.
Not a quality blog post means do not share and quality blog post means you can share. so this is what i did. if you have done this befor, are they the same is my one. or are thay defrant then my one camment and tall me what they are. and if you haven't done it. i think you should make a google draw and your own one.
niue language week

Friday, October 16, 2020
PB4L school unform
PB4L at home
My learning goal
This is my learning goal for term 3, to try hard on my times table, work on my punctuation, try to not to get incident report.
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
maori language week
Monday, September 21, 2020
About hyena?
The spotted hyena’s body can grow to almost 2m long, plus a Females are heavier than males, and can weigh up to 82kg.
The mens eat bone and the woman eats the meat and if the male is lucky the bone will have some meat on it. And some hyena still meat from the lion.
They have black markings on their body and legs. hyenas often hunt in groups and can take down big animals such as wildebeest, antelope, zebras and young hippos.
hyenas are also known as laughing.
The names of hyena are
Spotted hyena
Striped hyena
Brown hyena
How tall can hyena be
Spotted hyena 70 - 92 cm
Striped hyena 60 - 80 cm
Brown hyena 70 - 80 cm
The biggest hyena is Spotted hyena and the second one is Striped hyena and the last tallest hyena is Brown hyena.
Baby hyenas are called cubs; they were born with their eye’s open.
Kapa Haka
On Monday we had kapa haka house competition it was fun the winner house was sandringham, i have learn how to do the kapa haka it was my firest time doing it. my next step is to do anther kind of kapa haka and do it next year.
james rolleston
On our class we had to chose a maori leader and i choosed james rolleston the movie acter from boy, dark hours and dead land. and my next step is to chosse anther leader.
If it was you who would you choose and why?
PB4L at wesley intermediate school
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
About hyena?
The spotted hyena’s body can grow to almost 2m long, plus a Females are heavier than males, and can weigh up to 82kg.
The mens eat bone and the woman eats the meat and if the male is lucky the bone will have some meat on it. And some hyena still meat from the lion.
They have black markings on their body and legs. hyenas often hunt in groups and can take down big animals such as wildebeest, antelope, zebras and young hippos.
hyenas are also known as laughing.
The names of hyena are
Spotted hyena
Striped hyena
Brown hyena
How tall can hyena be
Spotted hyena 70 - 92 cm
Striped hyena 60 - 80 cm
Brown hyena 70 - 80 cm
The biggest hyena is Spotted hyena and the second one is Striped hyena and the last tallest hyena is Brown hyena.
Baby hyenas are called cubs; they were born with their eye’s open.
Digital Technology good or bad
Digital Technology
Hi everyone my name is Yohannes. I strongly believe Digital Technology is good. This is why I like digital technology.
My forest reason is that you can finish your work faster.
and you can watch movies and hear music when we get bored.
Some websites help your brains and makes you smart.
And my second reason is that we can learn new things like on the websites there are lots of learning on the website. It's boring if there is no digital technology.
And my third reason is you can call your families if they are in another country or if they are sick. You need a phone to call the ambulance police fire man when you are in trouble or when other people are in trouble too.
We all humans need digital technology to be a life. 15.3 billion trees are being cut down in a year so if we don’t want the trees to be cut down we need digital technology. If humans cut down trees the animals will die. They will be very hungry so there will be nothing to eat for the animals.
My fourth reason is we need a light when it comes to dark because you can’t see anything when it’s night. Or when a stranger came to your house you just came out without light and you can’t see him because it’s dark you need a light to see how it is in your house.
And my fifth reason is about cars and airplanes. We all need a car to go to school and to your friends house or to visit your familys if their house is too far from your house. And we need airplanes because some people went to another country to live there or to visit the country. And at the same time their old friends can live there.
My sixth reason is that people need an oven to cook food in other countries like my country. We don't have ovens, they get the rock and some sticks and fire it and cook that is what they do and it takes so long to cook that is why we need digital technology. If they had technology they didn’t have to cook in the ground they just cook in the oven and finished faster. Digital technology is very fast.
My seventh reason is about technology for kids or for adults. Digital technology can be for everyone even for babies but there is one rules some websites are bad and good. Digital technology is good for babies. time they can learn abc’s and watch cocomelan and other baby safes..
My eighth reason is about websites. Digital technology is very very very good for adults because they can make websites and even kids can make websites like blogs. Or for the people who work they can make websites and tell them where they work so they can come and buy from them.
My ninth reason is about electricity. Almost Everything is made of electricity. I strongly believe that electricity is good. Sometimes it's good and sametime it’s not. The bad thing is that some kids think it’s a toy and they play with it. And the good thing is you can charge your phone computer, and other thing is that electricity is good.
What are the things that work with electricity? Light, oven, electricity car, dishwasher, heater, washing machine, dryer, fridge, tv, microwave and smoke alarm.
My tenth reason is about making your country beautiful with technology. We need technology to build a house or a sky tower. You need a town truck, cement mixer, forklift, those things are made of technology and to make beautiful things.
My eleventh reason is what we use mostly that is made of technology. Mostly we really use our oven, cars, heater, tvs, competer, phone, game, and there are more things that are made of technology. We all can’t do anything without digital technologies.
My twelfth reason is about the future of technology. Almost everything is going to be made of technology. Like they may make more robots. They have made one robot named Sophia. It's a girl robot that can talk and answer questions. And they may make something we haven't ever seen before.
My thirteenth reason is going to be about security cameras. security cameras are very important and very good for us because they can bartact you like when a strangle people comes to your house to stole something or when someone comes to the bank to stale a money so when the police comes you just show them the camera and when they check the camera the guy who stole the money are the killer will be in the camera and when they found the guy the police will take him and punch him.
My fourteenth is about competitors, tvs and phone,
competitors, tvs and phone, are made of technology and they are very nice things that can teach you things you haven learn before and there are fun things that you can watch when you are bored like youtubes you can watch funny videos or other fun things. There are very many things you whent buy and try them right now.
My fifteenth reason about why technology is good, technology is good because we can use it for everything we want like for work and for fun stages, like we use microwaves and ovens for cooking and to finish your cooking faster and we use ps4 and remote control cars to have fun that is why i like technology.
What technology looks like.
Finish your work faster
You can hear music
You can watch movies
Learn new things from the website
Save people from Cutting
Phone To call families, police, ambulance, fire man
Make website or a blog
Cars and airplanes
You need technology to cook to play to have fun and to learn.
How many trees cut down in a year? Click on this Link or this Link Read it all and you will learn something my friend.
What do people really enjoy about digital technology?
Tik tik, youtube, facebook, blogs, netflix,instagram,twitter, google play and there more websites people like.
Qurstain: Where do you use digital technology?
Anser: you can use it everywhere you go.
Qurstain: where do you see digital technology?
Anser: you can see it everywhere you go, almost everything is made of technology.
What technology looks like?
Now zealand without technology new zealand with technologies
Now future technology
Thats way i like digital technology is good for us.
samoan tattoo
Samoan tatau
What is samoan tatau
You must have a tattoo to come to the chief's house Because the chief's house is very important to the samoan people. When you finish the tattoo you have to wash it in the ocean because you will get a lot of blood. The samoan tattoo started in the 1400s. What country is the tatau? It is in samoa. Samoan tattoo has to be into your knee. The thing they make tattoos with is called tapulao. It's made from wild boar. After getting a tattoo you should be a better man.
What is tatau? Samoan people call a tattoo a tatau and samoan tattoo is not a normal tattoo you can’t get it anywhere you go.You can only get it in samoa. Can girls get samaon tatau? Girls can get samaon tattoo but it's different than boys one. Because boys get their tattoo into their knee but the girls don’t get their tatau into their knee. That is the difference between boys and girls. After getting a tattoo you have to get a massage because it will heart you. You have to be a strong man. if you cry they don’t let you get tatau.
What do you call the belly button tatau? The belly button tattoos are called the punialo.and they believe salt water is good for the tattoo. The word matai means chief. There will be a lot of people in the chief house. Anyone can go to the chief house but you need to get a tattoo to enter the chief's house otherwise they won't let you in. Why is the chief house important? I think because the chief house represents their country. samoan tattoos are very important. It’s part of samoan culture in history. They use instruments for the ink, The ink comes from an internal nut. What age do samoan get tattoos? Young Samoan men were usually tattooed between the ages of 14-18. Do all samoan have tattoos?Almost all of the men have a tatau. Malu tattoo is the female one The word malu means protect, shelter, security. Malu also means house. Most of the women use the tattoo on their back and in their leg. You are not allowed to eat Like alcohol, caffeine intake and energy drinks also thin out your blood. So, skip that morning cup of coffee the day you get your tattoo if you eat those things it’s bad for your skin. Samoan males with the pe'a tattoo are called soga'imiti. Can anybody get samoan tattoo? anyone who wants to get a Samoan tattoo can get one you can go and get it right now.
The two goddesses of the tattoo were twins and there name was Taema and Tilafaiga and they swim from fitiuta to manua samoa back to the village of falealupo they had gift which they brought back with them which was a tattoo kit (ato au) they were sing while they were swimming to falealupo and the song called tattoo the woman not the man. When they saw a clam they muddled and then the song changed to tattoo for man not for woman. Then the boy got the tattoo it was supposed to be for girls.
Boys tattoo
Girls tattoo
Chief’s house tattoo tools
This is how they make the tattoo
The tattoos names are
sine and the eel
The legend of one foot island
The legend of one foot island
The dad and the son were going to fish and suddenly they saw a savage scary people and the kid was very scared. So when they spotted an island they went fast is they could to the island. And the kid made a footprint in the ground so the dad was covereding his son’s footprint to protect his son. The dad and the sun when to the bush to hight the dad helped his son claimed the tree. and then the dad run from the tree to another place so they can’t find his son. But suddenly they saw the dad and chased him. When they get him they kill the dad and when the kid goes to his dad his dad was died. His son wrapped him in leaves and pulled him hard into the sea
click on this link to watch the video
On cybersmart we where learning about what to share and what to not share and who can see your blog i have learn lots of things so i am here today to share use about what i have learned.
Monday, September 14, 2020
cross county
On Wednesday 9th we had cross country at wesley intermediate school, the year 7 girls had to go firest then the year 7 boys it was our tern to go so we wire ready to go i was very scard and shaking. but then the teacher told us to run then we started to run when i bust the gate i was tied gammado was with me the hole time but when we got in to the gate i run fast and bust him and i came firest when i got home i told my mum that i came firest and she said oww good i fore she was going to give something but she didn't do it.
tongan patterns art
tongan patterns art
this is the tongan art i did in room 3 everyone did defrant art like most of them did turtles i was about to make anther one and it was going to be a turtles.
tongan language week
tongan language week
on Friday we had a tongan language week we, had to do the ma,ul,ul dance it was a little bit had.i was shay to perform in the hall because everyone has to look at you and they make noice. but it was fun i can't wait for next year.
cliclik on this link to watch video ma,ul, ul